YellowKorner was created by two friends, Alexandre de Metz and Paul-Antoine Briat, both passionate about photography since childhood. In 2006, they came up with an idea and an ambition: to make art photography accessible for all and to make YellowKorner the leading publisher of art photography. Since then, YellowKorner has opened more than 130 galleries around the world.
Unlike traditional retail, the purchase of art photography is a deliberate, sometimes slow, process. Clients consider not only the piece of art but also the location in which it will be displayed. YellowKorner did not have the right tools to manage this time-consuming sales process and was looking to:
With Bayretail™️ solutions, YellowKorner has improved its customer engagement capabilities, resulting in a higher conversion rate as well as a higher re-purchase rate. The solution has allowed for:
Beyond creating a Single Customer View (SCV), YellowKorner has really focused on ensuring that gallerists are able to maintain a connection with potential buyers beyond the first encounter in the brick and mortar shop. YellowKorner leverages the communication capabilities of Bayretail™️ to keep the connection active and follow-up on the client's project in a personalized manner.
Get in touch to schedule a full demo of the Retail Super-App and discover how it can help your brand do more.